Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Microsoft v. Apple

Most of the competition between these two corporations has been in innovations in technology and software as well as the same boring ad campaigns that both of these companies flood the media with. In this article we get to see a different side of the battle between these two companies which is on the business side. Microsoft has recently begun to poach employees from the Apple stores in order to man their newly opened Microsoft stores.
This is an interesting move by Microsoft as well as a very smart one. On one hand you have Apple inc. a company that has opened stores dedicated to selling solely Apple products. Microsoft comes along with the same idea and what better way to compete? Why not simply steal Apple's employees and take advantage of the experience they already have. When you consider that Apple is certainly not known for overpaying their employees it really comes down to offering a higher salary. Even if Microsoft may be losing money by offering their employees a higher salary than Apple, they end up making their money back from the business they're stealing from Apple as well as one upping their competition.
The end all to this is that this is just another small battle being fought in the war between these two companies. While on the outside these two companies may be battling through their innovations in technology most people forget that the real battle is being fought on the business end.


1 comment:

  1. That's an interesting theory, but I don't necessarily think having Apple employees work at Microsoft stores really increases the bottom line. At the end of the day, people buy Apple because they like their products, not the people selling them.
